Over the last couple of weeks, some young people approached me on ‘getting involved’ in Church life. They offered their time and talent to do ‘something’ for our community and for God’s service. Thank you. It is heartwarming to have people reach out to find ‘something’ they would enjoy doing and serving. Increasingly as we leave the pandemic and as parish life flourishes ever more, people are doing something. Before, during and after our weekend masses, someone is doing something. Working from home for the good of our parishioners and society, someone is doing something. From 710 Roanoke to the wider city to the world, ‘something’ makes an impact on people’s lives. From serving at mass to your kitchen table to homeless shelters to supporting peace in Ukraine to Development and Peace… someone is doing something. Praying at home for the needs of our parish and our world, someone is doing something. What ‘something’ do you do, even if you think it is small, for service of God and others?
‘Something’ is not for your glory or honour, it is for the Lords. It is out of the goodness of your heart that you generously share your limited time and valuable talent. For this we thank all our volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Like the Wedding of Cana and the multiplication of the Loaves and the Fish – Jesus takes ‘something small’ and transforms it into a lot, into abundance. When we look at our dynamic parish and all that is happening and the hearts that are being blessed and transformed, it doesn’t take long for someone to realize that Jesus takes our ‘something’ and makes it a lot! Thank you, thank you to all our volunteers and all you do and the ways you serve and minister to one another! You are greatly appreciated! Fr. Kevin and all of Blessed Sacrament Parish Community. Looking for volunteer opportunities? Check out the website under the heading "Volunteer Opportunities." |